Systema FAQ Part 2

Why are so many of the drills in Systema so slow?

  • Much of Systema is taught by a progressive sequence of drills that emphasize proper movement, breathing, posture, and relaxation.  These are all things that need to be learned, initially, in slower drills.  You may have heard the quote before that slow is smooth, and smooth is fast.  To be fast, you must be smooth, and to learn to be smooth, you must practice slowly.  Your speed, and the speed of the drills, will increase as you improve.

Can Systema benefit me outside of a violent confrontation?

  • Yes, in many ways.  The physical skills can help with almost any active pursuit.  You will become more comfortable and efficient in your movement, and learn to avoid unnecessary tension.  You will find that you start to move more intuitively and smoothly; for instance, you will find it much easier to move through large crowds of people because you will be able to make the small adjustments in your movement necessary to take advantage of small gaps in the crowd.
  • In addition, the psychological skills you gain can help every aspect of life.  You will learn to breathe and relax in stressful situations instead of becoming tense and anxious.  You will began to control and eliminate fear, freeing yourself from the constant tension and worry so many people are prone to. 

How long does it take to become proficient at Systema?

  • This varies widely between individuals, and also depends on what you define as “proficient.”  In general though, you can expect to see substantial progress in your ability to defend yourself within the first 3-4 months.

As always, if there are questions you would like to see answered, please leave a comment and we will address the question in a future FAQ.

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